Frequently asked questions

How to get the object name of a particular cell?

Get the cell number from MCNP viewer and find it in the file Renumber.txt. Suppose the cell number is 75, then to get the corresponding object name:

grep " 75 " Renumber.txt
Cell Changed :1060007 75 Object:PBIPCell Changed :1060007 75 Object:PBIP

The output shows that the object is called PBIP.

Alternatively one can use the getcell tool from our mc-tools project:

getcell 75

(PBIP stands for Proton Beam Instrumentation Plug)

How to rotate full geometry?

It is possible to rotate geometry by arbitrary angle around arbitrary vector or align rotation to an axis of a geometry object. The latter is particularly useful for viewing geometries of a beam line. The -axis command line argument is used for rotation.

Let's use the ESS geometry and rotate it in such a way that the DREAM beam line axis is collinear to the X axis:

ess -defaultConfig Single DREAM -angle objAxis dreamAxis 3 AA

Now let's rotate it around an arbitrary angle of 30 deg around the Z axis:

ess -defaultConfig Single DREAM -angle free 30 AA

Some help on these and other options is available by using the -angle help argument.

How to translate full geometry?

The geometry translation can be done with the -offset argument:

ess -defaultConfig Single DREAM -offset object dreamFA 0 AA

Note that the sdef definition is adjusted accordingly to the geometry rotation and translation.

How to check geometry?

Geometry can be validated by sampling N random tracks from the origin

ess -validCheck 10000 a

or from the given point:

ess -validCheck 10000 -validPoint 'Vec3D(10.0,20.0,30.0)' a