Vacuum pipe

Commit: 04e19525
Header: VacuumPipe.h
Implementation: VacuumPipe.cxx


Vacuum pipe is a ContainedGroup component with three groups: Main, FlangeA and FlangeB.

Its outer surface can be optionally simplified by setting the OuterVoid flag.


Compilation instructions are described in this section.

make singleItem

MCNP geometry

Among the other variables, it is possible to control creation of window and cladding,
as well as set the OuterVoid flag in order to simplify the outer surface:
./singleItem --singleItem VacuumPipe -v VCWindowActive 0 -v VCCladdingThick 0.2 \ 
                       -v VCOuterVoid 1 a

FLUKA and PHITS models can be build by adding the -fluka or -phits arguments.

POV-Ray scene

We change some materials to adjust textures:
./singleItem -povray --singleItem VacuumPipe -v VCFeMat Stainless316L -v VCFlangeMat Stainless304L  b

The "+A" argument turns on antialiasing:
povray +A povray/singleItem.pov