Local shielding

Local shielding wall installed directly in the beam line. The wall optionally can have upper corners removed.

Commit: 844162b1
Header: LocalShielding.h
Implementation: LocalShielding.cxx


Real-life examples can be found in the MAX IV TDC beam line, e.g. in Segment49.

The corners can be removed by setting at least one of their dimensions to zero. This can be done either by using the variable generator:


or the addVariable method:



Compilation instructions are described in this section.

make singleItem

MCNP geometry

./singleItem --singleItem LocalShielding a

FLUKA and PHITS models can be build by adding the -fluka or -phits arguments.

POV-Ray scene

./singleItem --singleItem LocalShielding -povray a
povray +A povray/singleItem.pov <<< '"LocalShielding"'