Fuel Rod

Now we need to add a new component in our model. First, we add a new class from existing template:

cl-paster -model Model/pik -namespace pikSystem -m "PIK fuel rod (ТВЭЛ)" PIKFuelRod

We will build the fuel rod model independently from the PIK reactor model by using the singleItem tool. We have to modify CMake.pl and makeSingleItem code as shown in commits f777657fc and 80ed1ae5f (Note: the CMake.pl script is obsolete since 2024. One must update the standard CMakeLists.txt files insted).

Once we have added the model into singleItem, we can recompile the code and generate an input deck by running (currently this generates an empty geometry since we have not yet finished adding PIKFuelRod into singleItem)

singleItem --singleItem PIKFuelRod a

Add a variable for the tip radius into the PIKFuelRod class:

cl-add-variable -model Model/pik -class PIKFuelRod -name radius -title Radius -type double -comment "tip radius" -after width

and set the fuel rod parameters in the singleItemVariables.cxx file as shown in commit f504ca292