NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI Лаборатория рентгеновской и гамма-спектроскопии, НИЦ
   • Аннотация •  English version  

Eotvos-type experiment with cold neutrons (in Th. Bourdel, M. Doser, A.D. Ernest, A.Yu. Voronin, V.V. Voronin, Quantum phenomena in gravitational field)

Vladimir V. Voronin, V.V. Fedorov, I.A. Kuznetsov, E.G. Lapin, S.Yu. Semenikhin, Yu.P. Braginetz, E.O. Vezhlev


The subjects presented here are very different. Their common feature is that they all involve quantum phenomena in a gravitational field: gravitational quantum states of ultracold antihydrogen above a material surface and measuring a gravitational interaction of antihydrogen in AEGIS, a quantum trampoline for ultracold atoms, and a hypothesis on naturally occurring gravitational quantum states, an Eötvös-type experiment with cold neutrons and others. Considering them together, however, we could learn that they have many common points both in physics and in methodology.

C. R. Physique 12 (2011) 779-790

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