NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI Лаборатория рентгеновской и гамма-спектроскопии, НИЦ
   • Аннотация •  English version  

New possibilities for neutron EDM search using diffraction by crystal without a centre of symmetry.

Fedorov V.V., Voronin V.V., Lapin E.G., Sumbaev O.I.


In the present work we report the analysis of spin effects for neutrons diffracted by a noncentrosymmetric crystal in a Laue diffraction scheme. New method of a search for neutron electric dipole moment is proposed. It is based on the predicted new effect of depolarization of the diffracted neutron beams (direct and reflected) due to neutron interaction with the strong interplanar electric field (up to 109 V/cm).

Physica B, 1997, 234-236, 8-9.

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